
John Loeppky

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CRPL #37: How Many Digital Tools Does One Human Need?

Issue #37 How Many Digital Tools Does One Human Need? John Loeppky Want to Subscribe? If this were to be representative of our new overlords then at least they’d have aesthetics on their side/Garik Barseghyan from Pixabay Click to Read on IRobot Vibes As I write this, I am being the definition of a hypocrite. One of my deepest crip misgivings is the productivity content ecosystem’s reliance/obsession with tools. There are helpful resources related to tools—I’m a fan of Keep...

Issue #36 It Can Be All in the Wording John Loeppky Want to Subscribe? This is what happens when you search Pixabay for a picture about tricks/Pixabay Click to Read on Reframe, Reframe, Reframe There’s a joke in my home that when a task is too taxing it’s just some weird form of physiotherapy. As if, every time something feels just a little out of my reach, what’s really happening is that some member of the medical establishment has devised some chaotic test of my physical or...

Issue #35 Here’s to Cringing John Loeppky Want to Subscribe? Be still my foolish creative heart, but only for a second/Engin Akyurt from Pixabay Click to Read on How Being In Your Feelings Can Support Crip Productivity Perhaps this is overly vulnerable, but I have not received a new subscriber to this newsletter in two weeks. That’s okay, it’s not going to stop me from writing and I get messages every day telling me the content is valuable, so I know it’s just a case of hammering...

A black and gold gavel sits on a black pedestal. The background is also black. The gold part of the gavel is in the middle joining band.

Issue #33 We Are All Traitors to Our Class John Loeppky Want to Subscribe? If there was a court of productivity, I think I’d have to be the court jester/Sergei Tokmakov via Pixabay Click to Read on How to Navigate Moral Productivity If you’re wondering why I’ve been talking a lot about James Clears’ Atomic Habits over the last couple of weeks, it’s because I’m currently writing about it for a longer project. Today, I thought I’d share a line that has struck a particular chord...

Issue #32 Productivity (In Theory) John Loeppky Got this From a Friend andWant to Subscribe? CAPTION Click to Read on Will Planning Always Be this Difficult? In a recent video, productivity YouTuber Rachelle in Theory, shared a really interesting insight. Her channel, which revolves around planning of various types, also talks about neurodivergence a lot. In this video she started off by saying, “Truly productive people aren’t actually getting more done, they’re just getting the...